Supporting our customers as they shoulder responsibility for their business practices is something we do every day! Because we think it’s vital to walk the talk, but above all, because our company’s impact is very important to us, we are also working hard to formalize our own practices so they are as responsible, caring, and inclusive as possible.
Here is a portrait of our social and environmental commitment:
What has been done
- We added a statement on social and environmental values to Boite Pac’s legal documents;
- We put in place democratic and transparent governance where employees are consulted when major decisions are made and where company results are shared;
- We created a code of ethics.
What we want to do
- Create a detailed impact report.
What has been done
- We created a partnership with Groupe 3737 to support entrepreneurs from the BIPOC community;
- Working with experts in diversity, equity and inclusion to educate all our clients on these topics.
What we want to do
- Dedicate 3% of each employee’s time to volunteering;
- Allocate 2% of annual sales to donations.
What has been done
- We allowed employees to purchase shares;
- We have implemented a four-day workweek
- We offer an ongoing training program;
- We offer a wellness program to provide support all year long.
What we want to do
- Offer group insurance to everyone;
- Formalize the training process;
- Top up the salaries of employees on parental leave up to 100% of their regular salary.
What has been done
- We implemented a transportation policy to reduce car trips;
- We buy carbon offsets for all of our vehicles’ greenhouse gas emissions.
What we want to do
- Measure our environmental footprint as it relates to our use of technology;
- Work with our office’s building owners to implement a composting system.
To see our B Impact Report